The brutal massacre of Tegaru, Abiy's group conspiracy.
It has been revealed that Abiy Ahmed's group is involved in the crime of killing Tigray people by burning fire.
In Benishangul Gumuz, Guba Woreda, in the next few days, two Tigrian natives were slaughtered, eight were shot and burned by fire, one of his life was burnt by fire, and nineteen were massacred. 30 Tigrian natives have been killed in total.
The Ethiopian Federal Government has proven that this genocide was organized and committed. The guest flower is the recognition and permission of the Ethiopian Federal Government. Mainly the deputy director of the Homeland Security Office, the former head of the Amhara Regional Security and Security Office, the guest flower is the leader and coordinator of the government and the other people on the arrests and killings of the federal government. Confirmed by our regional sources.
In this genocide, Amhara region special forces and Fano are the main actors, national information and security members, special forces of other regions, national defense forces, other civilians of the area have directly participated in this massacre.
These Tigrian natives who were brutally murdered have been in prison for months in Tigray; after they were given a passport saying they have been released from prison; when they arrived in a planned area; they were released by the forces listed above and the video was recorded.
The main plot of Abiy Ahmed's group was to focus on the killing of Tegaru for their identity. The video that Tegaru was to expose the crime of killing a human being. They brought it to Addis Ababa to their office and then to Abiy Ahmed. Lu participant and coordinator The former federal security office people are.
The video was handed over to the security members who were involved in the crime was a guest in the Abebaaw, and he was handed over to Sisay Tola. Sisay Tolam has stated that he has taken it directly to Abiy Ahmed.
Abiy Ahmed and his team: This is not on condemning the cruel crime recorded in a video that made millions of people angry. Instead, in this video, they were discussing the conspiracy of the three development leaders of the region; on which media should the video be released to the public;
This video should be released on the eve of the Prosperity Conference or on the opening day. As Abiy Ahmed's group advised, if it is opened, it will have more viewers. Amhara activists will also have no time to give a wide rejection. It has been broadcasted on last Friday before the opening of the Prosperous Conference.
There was a wide discussion on which media it would be more heard and accessible. If we release Tigray and Oromo activists with a large number of followers on the media, it will not be accepted saying it is an enemy propaganda, therefore it is decided that we should use Ethio360 and the similar media.
In this way, the people who are elected by the media should have a known relationship with the people of prosperity, on the other hand, Esmeko ESAT and other internal media and bodies, so that the spirit of the congregation will not be disturbed, and the people who find them to calm the internal and foreign society.
Abiy Ahmed and his team are in this way. The video of the murder of the innocent Tigrian people has been threatening them for weeks by dividing them in corruption and threatening them in the other. The murder of the innocent Tigray people has been making them a big deal.
The Ethiopian leaders and their followers are committing genocide against the people of Tigray that even Hitler and his team didn't even try! But there will be no one to escape justice!